I am a first year student at University of British Columbia
Computer Science major
I am learning backend and a bit of front end dev
This page contain information about me and my projects so far plus my certificate
What I look for

Education: First year student at University of British Columbia
Major: Computer Science
Subject learned: Copmutation; Program and Programming; Discrete Math
Language: NodeJS; Java; Python
Knowledge: MVC architecture; Restful API architecture; server-side rendering.
Technologies: ExpressJS; Mongoose with MongoDB NoSQL Database; pug templating,...
Certificate: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Mongoose with MongoDB complete bootcamp UDEMY


Dynamic Tour booking website

Programming language used: NodeJs
Technology used: ExpressJs, Mongoose with MongoDB

Site features:
- Authentication ( Login, Signup, Forger Password, Reset Password)
- Uploading Images, saving images to database, updating password and user's data
- Auto Send Mail using SendGrid
- Payment with credit or debit card using Stripe
- Map implemented using MapBox
- Security: Helmet, XSS, Whitelist, Sanitizing query, limiter against DDOS
- Data collections: Tours, Users, Reviews, Bookings

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side apps

UBC Course seats checker script

A tool written in NodeJS that sends an https request to the UBC course url, write the response in an html file and trim the number of seats remaining in that course. Send mail using nodemailer library when there are seats remaining.
The function is set to run every 20 minutes.

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Balance chemical equation script

The script is written in python, and hosted on a github website with pyscript framework for an easier use.
The script take in an equation, and produce the balanced equation. The algorithm is testing different parameters with each substances, if the equation is equal, return the equations.

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Contact Me
I am willing to co-operate to work on any projects. I am ready to join, help and be a part of the project/ organization. If you find me interesting, contact me by email.
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