Dynamic tour booking website
Github Source
A tour booking website. You can sign up and login, pay for a tour, search for best tours, andupdate your user data
January 2023 - April 2023
Programming language used: NodeJs
Technology used: ExpressJs, Mongoose with MongoDB

Site features:
- Authentication ( Login, Signup, Forger Password, Reset Password)
- Uploading Images, saving images to database, updating password and user's data
- Auto Send Mail using SendGrid
- Payment with credit or debit card using Stripe
- Map implemented using MapBox
- Security: Helmet, XSS, Whitelist, Sanitizing query, limiter against DDOS
- Data collections: Tours, Users, Reviews, Bookings
Contact Me
I am willing to co-operate to work on any projects. I am ready to join, help and be a part of the project/ organization. If you find me interesting, contact me by email.
Contact me